HackingUniversity - Hacks . Tricks . How-To's

Contact Admin

While running this awesome technology based blog, I came through a time understanding that people are really having problem's solving some issues. Issues could be BIG or pretty Small but they still need a mentor who could understand their problems and revert them back with best solutions. So to overcome all those problems we have launched this Contact page that will help you in asking your questions right away, you can even request for some tutorial if you want. Well reading your questions and answering them could take 1 business day time in case of some busy schedule. And if you want any tutorial to be posted in brief we could do that too but it might take 2-3 business days as we need to study, then write the content. But yes it would be a happy moment if I could really help you out.



Sending Personalized Request :)

Well we have added three options, problem solving, requesting tutorial and the last one is service request. So if you have some queries then you can choose the problem solving option and it will work fine. If you would like to get some tutorial to be posted on this blog, then you can choose the second option requesting tutorial and it will notify us that you want some nice tutorial to be posted. The third helps you in getting some service to be done from us.

Wanna Advertise on this Blog ?

Well if you think you found the best platform to advertise your website or product, then you can check out our Advertising Page that display's all the stats and prices that will help you in estimating the traffic you could get from our blog.
You can even check out the Author page that display's all the information about the owner and author of this blog, you can even check the base of this blog by visiting the about section. So guys now get your queries rolling as this is most easiest way to get your problems solved.