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05 March 2017

Add Fixed Floating Adsense AD on Post Side in Blogger

You might have seen these types of scrolling advertisement in many blogs, when ever person reads your post and starts scrolling your blog post to the bottom the ad scrolls side by side hence increasing your clicks and conversion, making you a little more money. Well the widget I have created is inspired from the floating sharing buttons widget I posted earlier. But now I have added a simple adsense ad code that could be replaced with any other advertisement or banner whatever.

floating adsense ad on the post left side

So you can see from the above image how the ad on the left of the post looks like. So as soon as someone scrolls the post the ad will scroll with it and hence you can get more clicks on adsense.

Get More Clicks with Floating Adsense AD

If you are amused with this sort of ad then lets see the steps below on adding this ort of widget in your blogger posts.

  1. Open Blogger > Template > Edit HTML.
  2. Press Ctrl + F and search for <b:includable id='post' var='post'> and right below this line add below code.

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><style type="text/css">#scrollad{text-align:center;position:fixed!important;width:130px;top:1%;margin-left:-170px;background-color:#eee;height:100%;padding:5px;z-index:10}</style><div id='scrollad'>
    <----Put Adsense Code Here---->

  3. Now I have highlighted the red code above, just replace that with your Adsense code or any other advertisement code.
  4. I have even highlighted few more values that you might need to change according to your advertisement size. (I used the responsive adsense ad, as it takes size automatically, so I would recommend the responsive code if you are going to use adsense)
  5. Now press Save Template and your code will get saved and then open your post on blogger to see this awesome floating ad.

So guys use this and embed ads in your post with floating effect, now if someone scrolls your post your ads will be scrolled automatically and you could make some more easy money.