Google is an amazing and most powerful search engine in the world as it ranks 1 in Overall Alexa traffic and its pretty awesome with all its services. So usually searching something and something people come across many new things in Google search they discover many new places, tricks and Easter eggs.
So while crawling another blogs I came across another amazing Google Heart Graph Trick which is like normal you don’t get any profit doing this trick but this is just for fun and you will be amazed. While you make a search for some huge mathematical line which is given below you get result something like below image.
So as you can see in the above image it’s a movable graph just came in the search results after making a search for below line, so what you have to do to see this trick in action is go to and than and than make a search for below line .:
(sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200*x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.1, sqrt(9-x^2),-sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5
So now pass this trick to your girlfriend and let her make search on Google and when she get this heart in front of her she will be impressed and you will dedicate your love to her, enjoy and have fun Geeks.