We have already posted many facebook based tutorials covering all that automation that makes everything possible with ease. Well we have already posted on how you can automatically accept group member's request easily and even that awesome way that allows you to add friends in bulk on facebook. And yet today we have another automatic tutorial for facebook that will allow you to automatically accept all your facebook friend requests.
- Open Facebook.com and Sign-In.
- Now visit https://www.facebook.com/reqs.php and here you will see all the requests for pages and right on top you will see all the friend requests.
- Now you will see "See More" option click that to show all friend requests.
- Now just press
Ctrl +Shift +J to open Console menu in chrome and then simply paste the below script and press enter.javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);
- That's it now within seconds all the friend requests will be accepted.
- This even works for all the page request simply visit the above link and paste the script as mentioned above, it will accept all the page requests.
So guys now you can easily accept friend requests from people who might wanna join your company, well this script is working fine as tested by me, so please just give it a try and do comment if you face any problem.