Blogger has always been the perfect choice for an newbie blogger who is stepping into the world of blogging. As this platform provides free usage without any limits and awesome structure it even has some good advantages over other platform like Wordpress. Blogger platform by default add's your blog under a subdomain name like so basically its free but does not looks like a professional website.
So to overcome this problem blogger provides there users to purchase a custom domain name and give there website a professional touch. So now those domains are too much costly but requires some technical knowledge to setup after which you can get your professional sites name like pretty awesome.
Setting Blogger Custom Domain using BigRock
BigRock the Indian domain hosting company provides an easy access for anyone to get business online, with there faster hosting packages and only domain hosting option you can easily shift your blogger sub domain name to custom domain.
Now the reason for choosing BigRock is that for Indian customer it provides easy payment options so if you do not own a credit card than you can even deposit amount in their account and get your business online.
So below is the step by step tutorial on migrating your blogger sub domain to custom domain with setup.
- First make sure you have created a free account on, start by searching your domain and if its available register and get to the payment page. It will only cost your like Rs. 300-500/year, so its pretty cheap.
- Now at the payment page you might be able to see some coupon adding option so add
to get 25% discount. Now you do not need to opt for an hosting package as blogger hosts your blog you just need the domain name. - Now pay the final amount either with your debit card, credit card, net-banking or band deposit which you feel comfortable with.
- Now you will be taken to the control panel of your domain name, just click on the bottom option DNS Management and click on Manage DNS.
- Now right over here you need to add two CNAME Records and four IP Address to redirect your naked domain name.
- So now visit to get your verification CNAME record, so I hope you have created your blogger blog just visit its settings page and under publishing option click on edit, and switch to Advanced Settings now press settings instructions.
- Now choose On a Top Level Domain Name and you will see something like below numbers just copy the first one and the second long one and paste them in notepad.
- Now visit your domain Manage DNS option and click on Add CNAME. Now add first number as the name and the second one as the value like in the image below.
- So now Save this record, so now the above CNAME was for verification now create another CNAME by clicking Add CNAME Record and add
as the name
as the value like in the image below. - Now again save this record too. Now your CNAME Record work has been done and your domain can be added in blogger for redirection but still one major step is left that will redirect your naked domain to for removing any 404 errors.
So now click on A Records and press Add A Record. Now add below IP Addresses as in the image below.
- Now you to add 4 IP Address mentioned above so add one and then save and then add another till you have all four IP Addresses. So it should look like below image.
- So now your domain settings have been done, now the only step left is too add this domain name in your blogger and your custom blog will be ready.
- So now visit Blogger > Settings > Basic > Publishing. Click on edit and press switch to advanced settings.
- Now add your domain name and click on Save no need to change missing files host, you do not need that stuff.
- So now if you get any error like verification problem, just wait for 15-20 minutes as your DNS will be updating.
- Now again try to Save it will be saved and your blog will have a custom name. So now any older posts with .blogspot url will be redirected automatically.
So now this is the lengthy but easiest way to get your blog on a custom domain name using easy BigRock setup, well soon in my upcoming posts I will show you how you can make sub domains using your free BigRock domain hosting. So now if you find out any problem migrating just comment below I will surely help you out, maybe I will be soon creating video tutorials for these kind of tuts :)